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How Does CBD Make You Feel?

Let’s learn about the endocannabinoid system.

Have you ever wondered why the human body reacts the way it does to cannabinoids such as CBD? The answer lies in something called the endocannabinoid system—or ECS, for short. The way the ECS functions is complex, but with the right analogy, it’s easier to understand than you might expect.


The key to balance

The ECS consists of many receptors that are spread throughout the entire body. In order for CBD to have an effect on a person, it needs to interact with these receptors. The mechanism of this interaction is very similar to the way a lock and key work together to give you access to a room.

Everyone knows that when a door is locked, it can only be opened with a key. Without that key, you wouldn’t be able to get to the other side.

 When you consume CBD, its active chemical compounds interact with the ECS receptors, likewise “unlocking” a physical response. But this is not the only function of ECS.

Other functions of the ECS

The ECS functions to help regulate signals through the brain, spinal cord, organs, and tissues of the body as a means of maintaining homeostasis throughout all systems.

In addition, it’s also directly involved in processes such as nervous system development, appetite, cardiovascular function, immune function, digestion, and more.


It’s important to note that everyone’s experience with CBD is unique to them; just because a product affects someone in a certain way, it doesn’t mean that you’ll experience the exact same effects, or require the same amounts.

 That’s why we recommend you start with a low amount of CBD and monitor how it makes you feel over the following 24 hours before trying more. If you’re looking to try a pure CBD product, we recommend starting with an isolate such as an oil, as it simplifies this “start low, go slow” process. Isolates are pure extracts that are processed with the purpose of providing maximum potencies of a desired compound, like CBD. Alternatively, most softgels have a fixed amount of CBD, leaving little room for error in monitoring an appropriate dose.


  • The endocannabinoid system is a biological system existing in all vertebrates. Endoannabinoids and receptors latch together like a lock and key, creating the effects you feel after consuming CBD.
  • The ECS is also responsible for processes including nervous system development, appetite, cardiovascular function, immune function, digestion, and more.
  • Cannabinoids: the active chemical compounds found in hemp; CBD is a cannabinoid.
  • Start low, go slow: Begin with a low amount of CBD and monitor how it makes you feel over the following 24 hours before trying more.
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