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Hemp-Derived CBD Products & You

People have been getting creative with the hemp plant, which produces CBD, for tens of thousands of years. So it’s nothing new. But the way people - including Martha - have been using CBD in the last few years is new, so it’s worth talking about what it is, where it comes from and what it does.

It All Begins With Hemp

There’s a lot of stigma around hemp because for most of the last century it wasn’t something that polite families in Connecticut grew in their back gardens. But the science is advancing and attitudes are changing. Today, farmers grow hemp safely and legally all around the world, from China to Australia, and even a few in Connecticut. Martha’s line of CBD products, developed by working with industry leader Canopy Growth, is grown domestically at farms in places such as California, Oregon, Pennsylvania and New York. Those hemp plants are then refined several times to create something called CBD Isolate, which is basically 99% pure CBD.

How It Works

The science of it all is fascinating and it’s always fun to do a deep dive. People have chemical receptors throughout their body. One group of these receptors bonds with and processes a group of chemicals called cannabinoids.

Cannabinoid receptors help regulate immune responses, mood, appetite, sleep, and body temperature. CBD interacts with these cannabinoid receptors to produce beneficial changes in the body. Many people have reported that CBD can help them unwind, reduce stress, help get them in the right headspace for sleep and soothe sore muscles.

That’s why it’s important for Martha, and you get the purest, most consistent CBD available. So that every time you take it, it interacts with your body in the same way. That way you know you’re getting the same, relaxing treat each time and you can focus on letting the fresh ​​pâte de fruit flavor of a gummy or the calming ho wood aroma of a topical wash over you.

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